First something from One Synth Challenge #142: Vital by Matt Tytel
Minimizing CPU Usage:
201 posts since 31 Oct, 2019
Post Fri Dec 04, 2020 1:16 pm
ELEX wrote: ↑
Fri Dec 04, 2020 8:18 am
@ IV!: Regarding CPU usage: Don’t forget the oversampling settings on the ‘advanced’ tab, defaults to 2x , but there’s also a draft mode. And when a patch is ready, don’t play it with GUI open, that takes way more CPU than the audio processing.
Thank you for your valuable tips! Indeed, I have just discovered two interesting things:
- 50-70% of the CPU load in Cakewalk is occupied by processing the synthesizer interface (I don’t know if it is actually processed by the GPU or the CPU, but this is a fact).
- Vital Standalone works MUCH MORE efficiently than VST in a DAW, even on 8x oversampling. So it looks like I’ll be creating presets in the Standalone version, and only writing the track itself in the DAW, which seems pretty convenient for now)
Hanz Meyzer
Post Sun Dec 06, 2020 6:07 pm
Hi, how do I draw the harmonics of a waveform in the wavetable editor?
Post Mon Dec 07, 2020 4:19 pm
photonic wrote: ↑
Mon Dec 07, 2020 4:11 pm
Now I tried some drum sounds instead and failed too. Couldn’t get out some sound I like. I think this synth in not compatible to my brain
One thing I just learned (like 5 minutes ago) is the SMOOTH setting on the LFO . For some reason I was overlooking it. I almost never would want it, but it defaults to .005 seconds which makes using the MSEG result in some strange and unexpected behavior. Maybe that is causing some pain for you? For example, if you switch to keytracked LFO to try to use it as an FM oscillator, you will not get normal results without setting smooth to 0.
I’ll certainly make myself a default preset with this turned off. I would suggest to Matt to think about defaulting this setting to 0. 
… and speaking of defaults, I know Serum does the same thing, but why not default the oscillators to Basic Shapes instead of just a saw wave? It seems like that would save a lot of clicks to get quite a lot of sounds?
Nonetheless, I’m loving this synth. Such a great job, Matt!
Post Mon Dec 07, 2020 9:03 pm
MrKarolus wrote: ↑
Mon Dec 07, 2020 8:49 pm
Is there global/master pan knob in Vital? Can’t seem to find it 
Does not appear so, but you could of course assign a macro to all the oscillator pan controls.