I get where you’re coming from. I just don’t think that regarding Vital as a free synth that should not seek for monetary compensation for it’s developer’s work on an ideological anti-capitalist basis will reform the dominant western economy. I’d just like to see Vital improving, even the slightest to optimize its workflow and usability of the features it currently has.
Additionally, I don’t see money as communicator of value and optimal resource usage as destructive feature of capitalist economy. That’s a different question from what values the economy is based on, how it should be regulated, and where it is taking our world. But that’s a completely different issue.
I’m happy with whatever solution there could be to keep Vital developing even the slightest and provide its users and hopefully the developer a fair value, now and in the future.
If Vital would be completely free and open source I probably wouldn’t think aloud here about how monetizing could encourage its development, even though most complex FOSS projects seem to lose to commercial products in stability and usability. However, it’s a commercial product that I’ve been paying for, and as a customer I need to make choices about how to distribute my scarce monetary resources. It’s an awesome synth as it is, but as we know some users are facing some bugs, and there are multiple even minor tweaks that would make its use even more streamlined. Plus, I’d be happy for Tytel if he could make some good money out of it for the value his work has given us, but that requires communicating that the development is there, at least when needed to address possible issues the minimum.
A fundraiser isn’t even a bad idea. Even if Vital would go fully FOSS and gather some tech savvy users to aid in its development would do. However, given Tytel seems to be almost completely off the hook regarding Vital I don’t see how any fundraiser would change anything .
As a user the business part of it isn’t really my concern as long as it provides the value I’m paying for. In the end, I just wish Vital would keep on improving, as it is an awesome and unique synth that I respect as a sound aficionado, a customer and a user.
But as said, I believe I understand where you’re coming from - for you this seems to be an ideological issue, and that would probably require a whole different conversation in a whole different thread. That said, even though I completely recon the destructive nature of market capitalist economy that’s not sufficiently steered and regulated, I still stand for money as communicator for optimizing resource use. There’s of course a question how that logic should be applied, what should be commodified, and how that all fits to an idea of providing a good life to the largest populace possible should that matter. But that’s another thread then. Meanwhile reforming our economy I wish Vital can keep on improving and utilizing the features of the economy to provide the best value possible to everyone involved.