When turning knobs, or not even touching them at all, Vital does not emit sound. If I program midi notes onto the pattern, however, it does play.
I’d like to experiment with sounds and preview them by clicking a note, but it seems like it’s impossible. please help me fix this issue. for context, I just installed the vst and have a subscription.
If I understand you correctly, you want to Vita to be able to “hold” a note you click so you can manipulate the parameters and hear the effect - is that correct?
If you’re using a DAW, you could loop a midi note.
If you’re using vital standalone, then your computer keyboard can be used for note input - so you can hold a key down and change parameters with your mouse.
The keyboard seems to be mapped similarly to the one in Logic Pro (below), i.e. “A” triggers C
I’m using a DAW. On FL studio, on most vst’s, if I press a letter like Z, Q, etc, it plays a note on the piano roll without adding it to a pattern ( akin to a preview of sorts) I press a random key while changing the knobs to get the desired sound.
On other vst’s this works, but on vital it only seems to emanate sound when there are midi notes recorded on the piano roll. there is no way for me to try out chords or specific notes using the computer’s keyboard.
You said it works with other VSTs so that must mean “Typing keyboard to piano” is checked in the FL Studio Options. Are you using the VST 3 or VST 2 version of Vital? What version number of Vital? What version of FL Studio? Windows or Mac?
For the record the qwerty keyboard works to trigger Vital here in FL Studio 20.8.4 [build 2553] so it’s just got to be a setting somewhere.
oh yay it worked!!! Thank you! it was the option after all. wonder how it got disabled, but either way, tysm to everyone who helped <3 I checked and the version is version 3. Thank you for the information!
This is happening to me. About to bin vital off but before I do, where exactly is the settings menu on Vital!? I’ve clicked the logo top left and all I get is the screen size options. Also I don’t see any wrapper on my view. Any help out there? Many thanks
This thread was for fl studio, the wrapper is above the plugins interface (top corner/menu bar)
Also for the keyboard piano option that’s in the main fl menus I believe (not an fl user but hope this helps!)
That would not make Vital play notes with computer keyboard. That setting is there so you can disable it if the plugin grabs your keyboard and you want to use it for FL, like to press space for play.
Sorry, Ableton stuff will all be under Options and Preferences
But before you check there, if your midi keyboard is plugged in and ableton is open, check two things things:
Is the track Armed? Red button to the right of the volume. You’ll need to tell ableton which tracks your sending midi information to.
If your track is armed and still no respond from midi, check in the very top corner
In this photo (the arrow is pointing to the keyboard option, so if this is on you can turn it off so it stops taking midi from your typing keyboard) but just beside you’ll see “MIDI” to the left you’ll see two small boxes. When you press your midi keyboard the top box shoukd light up orange, indicating it’s receiving midi information.
If you don’t see it register it’s not seeing your midi keyboard at all