Very high CPU usage

Please … just don’t talk against a problem you don’t have. My system is 1 year old. Yeah very “legacy system” irony . If you don’t have an issue, be happy and please don’t 'splain about something you can’t retrace.
We try serious to trace and solve an issue here.

Thank you very much.

[quote=“odo, post:52, topic:1075”]
I would love to use vital and make some tutorials, but currently it is not possible.[/quote]

Please just stop claiming some unproved myths. I originally responded to your incorrect statement above. Once again it is entirely possible to create Tutorial Videos…on many systems…as proved by the abundance of them on YouTube.

The fact that you can’t make them on your system is another issue altogether.

So “very high CPU on some Linux systems” may be true but it’s not true for all Operating Systems and all system configurations. That’s the point I’m trying to make. Nothing more.

I ask you very kindly to stop trolling this thread. Thank you.

I’ve got all the info I need for this so am closing the thread.