Updated Vital 1.5.5. is flickering

Hi there,
i updated Vital and now the interface/mask is flickering…? The sound still works… Can anybody help?

Greetings Dom

Go back an update, 1.5.5 seems to be broken

version 1.5.* flickers with older (2011 and earlier) macs. im looking into it but dont have a timeframe for a fix


Same issue in PC, i7 internal graphics. My screen will actually go black after flickering.

I still have the flickering issue stand alone and in Live
doesn’t go away if i resize
mac OS 10.13.6

mid 2011 27inch iMac

2011 and older iMacs don’t support Metal graphics. I suspect this is why it’s flickering.

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Hi all,
same problem for me… no solution yet?

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Same problem here

How is this resolution going?

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Same here 2011 iMac 27" with High Sierra