Skin Sharing Thread

Skin for version 1.5.(update)
sorry i missed the upload ver.

Default modify1.5.vitaltheme (70.3 KB)


Thanks for sharing! Very generous. I will check these out.

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Hey, nice work on this one! I like how you also styled the knobs.

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Hi, i like that Skin A LOT but it has a minor visible issue to mee, its a bit too less contrast to see knobs and GUI-Parts of the synth, but its very great work…thanks for sharing. May u will think about another version of it…cheers*

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Here’s one I made prior to the 1.5 release:

AS Pink Skies

AS Pink Skies.vitaltheme (110.0 KB)


looks like the serum promethium skin

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Skin for 1.5, ‘Reflekshun Neon’

My concept is to create an immersive experience for Vital users who are spending time with it, making music or sound design. At the same time make the color coding distinctive, consistent and functional, lowering the stress of navigating both simple and complex patches. Ultimately the goal is to increase the immersion and fun that you have spending time with this amazing synth.

Thank you for anyone who supports this skin! Have fun!

Trailer: [Vital Synth] Neon Theme Trailer (Download) - YouTube


That is indeed what it’s based on.

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Please help…where i can finde xenofish glowing vital themes (neo tokyo and nightstalker)?
i got booth but i cant find again.

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i updated the colors a bit, forgot to change some parts
helm theme v2.1.vitaltheme (65.2 KB)
helm theme v2.1 bright.vitaltheme (65.2 KB)


Where can we find this one?

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On gumroad in my preset pack.

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Cheers :+1:

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Been goofing around with skins in Vital for the last couple of weeks now, I think I’m obsessed :melting_face:

In my experimentation with the skin interface, I created two generic skins, I call them First Order and Sith. These are works in progress but let me know if theres any clear visual issues.

Since I am a new forums user I can only upload one screenshot, so here is a glimpse at the First Order theme.

You can download them both below.

First Order | Sith


My no knobs skins crashes vital 1.5
A new one, some details to rule, but its the skin i use.
No_Knobs_multicolor.vitaltheme (110.2 KB)


Thank you for sharing, it looks awesome!

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Hi, everyone. I made another cool glowing skin! I call this one Acidic. It’s essentially the same as one of my previous skins, Sith, but with a poison-y yellow green color instead of red. Enjoy!

Download can be found here.


The single, full width window for the Vital + Skin Editor is just too wide for my laptop display and resizing to make it fit makes the text in Vital too small for my eyes. Is there any way to have the “Theme Editor” pop-out and still work the same?


Hi guys, Dr. Printer here again. After around 2 weeks i finally finished my latest skin, Monochromatic. You can download it here or down below.

Thank you to the fellas over in the Discord again for helping me find what I needed to finish this skin up. Enjoy!

Direct download:
Monochromatic.vitaltheme (56.6 KB)


so sick! can’t wait to see it when you’re done with it… def want to use that skin

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