Skin Sharing Thread

Just spent all thanksgiving making my first theme, mostly spent finding the thing I want to change or fixing colors that I messed up. This would be VERY helpful to know, great question.

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My personal dark theme I have been tweaking for a while, takes some inspiration from pigments, but tried to stay true to the classic Vital colors, though the effects I prefer all one color. All to MY taste, but might appeal to others. Some details that I like, such as the waveforms being solid and visible on osc that are off (but still obviously off)
Vital_After_Hours.vitaltheme (83.9 KB)


That purple gradient is sick! I love how this skin looks overall, nice and minimal while yet still popping out!

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You can set the opacity to 0 and it will become a completely transparent color.

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Very nice skin but I’m having trouble with it displaying 3D wavetables. Anybody else having the same issue?

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Yeah, that dang 3d wave disappears on me, thought it was just me since it was happening on other themes too. Don’t know if I did something wrong, or if it’s just a kink

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This is for the crazy Psytrance Producer Scene and all others.

Neo Psy.vitaltheme (113.3 KB)



First shot at making some themes for Vital. I really dig Reason and thought someone else might dig these too. Making themes inspired by some of my favorite devices sounded fun. I’m sure I’ll miss a few settings in these but let me know and I’ll be happy to try and fix what I can. :mechanical_arm:

Reason’s Europa Wavetable Synth:

Reason’s Malstrom Wavetable Synth:

Reason’s Player Devices:

Reason 12 Theme - Europa.vitaltheme (40.9 KB)
Reason 12 Theme - Malstrom.vitaltheme (34.5 KB)
Reason 12 Theme - Player Device.vitaltheme (47.4 KB)

*Consolidated my spam into one post :sweat_smile:


You captured those Reason themes well!


Thank you! It was a blast trying to match up the color palette and right vibes for each devices. I’m def gonna try and make a few more in the future :mechanical_arm:

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Based on my first skin “Neo Psy” now follows a revised version with some changes and bug fixes.

Glowing Colors.vitaltheme (114.6 KB)


Hey bro, have you finished this skin? It’s so cool!!

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yes it’s done,
and now have fun.

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like it very much!


Could be cool to have eyes friendly GUIs too.


Has anyone created a white theme that looks like this or is open to a commission to create one for Vital and Surge XT?


Hi everyone. i have a new. :smiling_face:


How do you use the .rar files?

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if you ask this very question at (for example) google it might lead to this kind of answer:

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I know it’s a little late, but i could try to mess around and see what i can do. Ive never used surge so ill put that one to the side but i could try making a vital skin like the image. Ill keep you posted in the discord server as to the progress.