@dijaraqul Care to spend another two weeks making this one 1.5.3(and higher) compatible ?
Thank you. Your work is amazing.
Has anyone figured out how you can set a color setting for a GUI item to zero, i.e. to have not color? Without having to delete the actual color from the left color picking panel?
In this particular instance I want the Envelope RotaryColor to just pick up the color settings from the global section. But in order to do that I must be able to reset the RotaryColor in the Envelope section.
@Tytel is there a way?
Revamped my vital theme for the update. I can’t figure out how to change the overlay window text colors and buttons though so the about menu and save preset menus look a bit bad.
If there are any errors in the skins, tell me.
Material Design (v1.5.x)
I started working on this before v1.5.x. It came to a temporary halt until then, but I’ve gotten the opportunity to actually conclude it. So glad to finally finish it call it done.
Material.vitaltheme (115.5 KB)
Could you share the link?
dude, this looks sick!
Doesn’t look sick to me, I like it!
It’s really great to see everyone’s different take on this. All the different tastes and variations.
i’d like it if the bloom reacted to something, like modulation amounts or signal level.
100% this, it’d be a nice feature to have, ngl
Nice! Try uploading your file again. Thanks.
made an updated version with an additional light theme
helm theme v2 bright.vitaltheme (65.1 KB)
helm theme v2.vitaltheme (65.1 KB)
Beautiful! Would be nice to have a version where the main background color would be exactly between these two.
Skin for version 1.5.(update)
sorry i missed the upload ver.
Default modify1.5.vitaltheme (70.3 KB)
Thanks for sharing! Very generous. I will check these out.