Hey there! I just played around a bit with the synth in cubase 10 and it works and sounds perfect! Many thanks to the Devs!
i love this synth, and the community is really nice too, people help fix problems, there appears to be a number of bugs, hopes matt fixes them soon, no pressure man you already are insane for giving away this epic synth for free
My first copy of Vital was release day so I’m terribly new. Windows 10, Vital Pro, Reaper (v6.16). After downloading Vital the login/update from Reaper appeared to work smoothly. There is just so much content in Vital (pro) I’ve not noticed anything that didn’t install correctly or is missing (I’ve seen some posts, but they appear to be ‘resolved’). I’m always impressed with hard work, dedication and follow-through; so far I’m seeing all of those things. On to trying to break it (aka hunting for bugs now that the public release has happened). I’ve noticed I need to “slow down” when working and pay close attention to what I’m touching. I’ve done it a few times now, when I’ve grabbed something I ‘thought’ was what I wanted and moved it, only to find out it wasn’t what I wanted. The trick is to remember what it was set at before I moved it (there’s no undo tree in the Synth). Slowing down and enjoying what appears to be an amazing synth is part of the learning process. I’ve found myself just enjoying playing with it, without any regards to recording anything; it’s just fun! I’m happy to be here.
Ok, so I’m late to the party, but, the more I play with VITAl, the more I am liking the sheer depth and flexibility of this software.( the integrated WT editor is one of the easiest to learn compared to several I have looked at including wavedit, audioterm and the venerable waveterm emulation by Herman Seib).