Here’s some presets I created while messing around with Vital. Still getting used to this plugin but curious if anyone can do something with these.Paradoxic (6.3 MB)
Fat reese 2.vital (1.5 MB) Hollow Growl.vital (320.4 KB) phased pluck bass 2.vital (224.4 KB) sub wub.vital (2.2 MB) White Noise Bass 2.vital (381.1 KB) womp bass.vital (299.4 KB)
You only added 8 presets and 6 are epic. Amazing work!!! My music is influenced by Asia (especially Japan) so Digido Madness works when in a higher key because it sounds like a sitar. Japan Pluck is awesome.Trance Chant is fun. Thank you for sharing
@luckykat My influence is actually also Asia. Glad you enjoy those presets. I’ll add some more presets once Cyberpunk isn’t taking over my life anymore.
Glad to hear. It is a beautiful area of the world & one I want to tour when we can go back to normal. I know the feeling re: Cyberpunk - it’s actually why I didn’t get a PS5! lol