Introducing a Free Vital Preset Organizer Tool for Sorting Presets by Style

Hey fellow Vital users!

I’ve been working on a little side project that I think could be helpful for all of us dealing with large libraries of presets for the Vital Synth.
I wanted a way to automatically organize them by their “preset style” (e.g., Bass, Leads, Pads, etc.).

That’s why I created the Vital Preset Organizer — a simple tool that scans a folder full of .vital preset files, extracts their preset_style, and sorts them into subfolders based on their style.
If you have a ton of presets in one folder, this tool can save you hours!

How It Works:
The tool looks for .vital files in the folder where the app is run.
It reads the preset_style field from each preset file and then moves the files into folders like /Bass, /Leads, /Pads, etc., depending on the style.
The end result? A neatly organized folder structure, where all your basses, leads, and ambient sounds are grouped together automatically.

Current Features:
Automatic sorting: No need to manually move files anymore — just drop them in the folder, and the app handles the rest.
Non-destructive: The original files aren’t modified in any way, they’re just moved.
Lightweight: It’s a console application, so there’s no GUI bloat — just a simple tool that does its job.

What’s Next?
I’m currently looking for feedback from other Vital users to see how this tool can be improved. I’m open to suggestions for additional features (maybe sorting by more metadata or adding a GUI if there’s interest?).

Download and Try It Out:
Download Vital Preset Organizer v0.2
The project is free to use for personal purposes only — please don’t sell it or use it commercially.

Simply download the exe file and place it in your root folder containing your .vital presets.
It will then run through all folders and files in search of Vital Presets and sort them according to the preset style.



Suppose the folder containing your .vital files looks like this:

  |- preset1.vital
  |- preset2.vital
  |- preset3.vital

After running the application, the folder will be organized like this (by their style):

      |- preset1.vital
      |- preset2.vital
      |- preset3.vital

I’m excited to share it with everyone here and hope it helps make managing your presets easier. Feel free to drop a comment below if you have any thoughts, ideas.

Broken Holiday
(Vital Preset Organizer Developer)


I’m already working on V0.2, so if anyone is interested in testing upcoming versions let me know. :headphones:

Where’s that guy who mentioned he has like 30,000 presets?? We need them here asap haha

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I’ll help with testing if you need it. I have around 7000 presets.

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I had 300 presets scattered across folders, why I’ve decided to find a solution for it. :joy:

I’m considering of making a similar sorting but for stems, there’s a few more collected over the years. :grimacing:

Did you have luck with my V0.1? :sunglasses:
If so got next version ready which runs into all folders from the starting point.
Makes it a tad easier when collecting packages, that comes in their own folder structures.

No luck here. I placed your program folder in with the Vital folder and ran the executable but all I saw was a flash of the cmd window and nothing changed. Should it be placed somewhere else?

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Yeah i was just going to ask which folder is it best run inside? I’m assuming User > Presets?

Maybe an actual step-by-step guide would help

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I’m going to make a quick guide and get v0.2 online as we speak, will make it a tad easier.

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I also ran it within the presets folder and got the same results.

My path is “C:\Users\xxxx\Documents\Vital” if that helps.

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I’ve added a GIF showing how to use the newer version and very short text guide.
It’s self contained so have everything it need inside the .exe now. :sunglasses:

Ok it works now. It finished up with a new folder named “SortedPresets” inside the presets folder.
Very cool thank you!

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Then it worked liked I’ve hoped.
Please let me know if you have any ideas on how to make it work better for you. :grin:

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Just ran it but now my preset list has like 8 presets? Is that expected @brokenholidaymusic?

How it looks in Vital it self, isn’t from my app. It only moves around files. So best guess is Vital is looking in a wrong folder. Can you check how the actual folder looks like on you computer?

It would also be nice if it created a folder for those presets that do not have a style set and, maybe it’s not possible but would be cool if you could give the user options to sort by any category being that of Style, Author, or Date too. It’s just a thought.

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Great idea, would though require a small UI, but should be doable. V0.3 I’ll add sorting options and possibility of an uncategorized folder option as well.

Thanks for the idea! :grin:

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The folder has all the previous folders (mostly empty now), and the new Sorted Presets folder. Should i be moving that one to the top level or something?

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SortedPreset folder contains all the App could Identify based of the preset-attribute inside of it.

Would really love to see of one of the files I can’t place correctly.
Can you upload it and send it here?

Vital should be able to run inside the folder to fetch them.
Try setting Vital to look in that folder for Presets.

The next version v0.3 let you decide it.
So makes it a tad easier.

Do you mean one of those files in the Sorted Presets folder that’s not sorted into a category?

How do i set Vital to look in a different folder for presets?

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