For Matt: I opened a support request with Ableton (bug #2477129), since from the symptoms reported thus far, this looks to be an integration problem with Ableton, since Vital works fine with Reaper, Cakewalk, Bitwig, and others. I later sent them the Ableton Status Report and a screen shot (#2477152). I suggested they download Vital and try to recreate the problem on their systems. Seems to me that the DLL cannot discover the hooks to access OpenGL via Ableton (returns v0 per the dialog box?) where it is successful with the other DAWs. You may want/need to co-ordinate with Berlin. My $.02. Good luck - you must be swamped with all the new release headaches!
For Matt: I opened a support request with Ableton (bug #2477129), since from the symptoms reported thus far, this looks to be an integration problem with Ableton, since Vital works fine with Reaper, Cakewalk, Bitwig, and others. I later sent them the Ableton Status Report and a screen shot (#2477152). I suggested they download Vital and try to recreate the problem on their systems. Seems to me that the DLL cannot discover the hooks to access OpenGL via Ableton (returns v0 per the dialog box?) where it is successful with the other DAWs. You may want/need to co-ordinate with Berlin. My $.02. Good luck - you must be swamped with all the new release headaches!
This type of problem has been reported by quite a few people using a number of different VSTs. For example Scaler by Plugin Boutique and XO by XLN Audio have/had this problem. It seems to be related to OpenGL (I have version 3.1). I raised this issue with the Scaler developers and they produced a fix. I’m sure they would be happy to talk to you about it.
It works in Reason 11 with no errors that I can deduce but when opening in Cubase 11 it states the OpenGL error.
Hi Matt,
Any chance of a fix for those of us with older PCs?
I have a 2011 Sweetwater Creation Station with Windows 10 and an onboard Intel Graphics card
Am getting the blank screen and this message “Vital requires OpenGL version 1.4
Supported version1.208”
See my replies in the other thread where you posted this issue. OpenGL 1.4 was released in 2002. Not sure why a computer built in 2011 wouldn’t have 1.4 capabilities.
It’s actually OpenGL 3.2 and shader language 1.4. OpenGL 3.2 came out in 2009 so I guess it’s possible that computer doesn’t support it.
Ahh I see that explains it then.
Tried v1.0.3, dated the afternoon of Nov. 24th, same GUI problems still exist for both Stand Alone and running under Ableton. Stand Alone tried to open the synth frame, hangs for a few seconds, then disappears with no error message or anything. Under Ableton, it opens a dark window, then gives the Error message dialog box ("…requires OpenGL 1.4", then returns version 0). I tried running both the main 64 bit VST as well as the VST3 and both perform the same way. In the Ableton MIDI track in Session view, Init Preset is loaded into the sound engine and can make sound, but of course, one can’t navigate the synth without a GUI. Vital 1.0.2, and 1.0.3 still run just fine under Bandlab Cakewalk, showing all graphics and all features are working, so its not the computer, since it is getting to the OpenGL drivers somehow in CW. Please post on the website when new versions of Vital come out - I’ve been running v1.0.2 since the morning of the 24th and didn’t know I could have tried a new version until today.
Never got an answer back from you or guidance on anything to check, so I bought a cheap new video card (MSI GT GeForce 710) and this works fine. $35 solution, although it took me all afternoon fussing with drivers and installation issues. Ableton wrote me back saying they did not have any issues when they tried it and suggested I try reinstalling Live (I had put it in custom directories). I never tried that since Windows would wipe it out if it crashed and my backups never seem to get 100% of the C drive.
Hello everyone, it took me a long time to find the solution to this, and I come to share my joy, everything is in the following link that not only works with Vital but with many other plugins. I hope it will be of great help.
I’ll try it sometime thankyou… not sure if i can wrap my brain around it at the moment
welp, its been like this since a week ago, i think ill have to replace vital with something else. problem is, there is nothing like vital

I’m wondering if it might be your video card?
There are some threads in the forum talking about problems with video cards.
I cant debug this, the program has no log or debuggin tools, i cant even say what it is. at first i thought it was an excess of vital instances but now i know its not, i akso thought about vram but its not, only thing left is something with flstudio or windows 23h2
Do you have more than 1 Vital open, if so try closing some of them.
vram has nothing to do with it because i was running vital on a 10 year old i5 with intel cpu graphics, and on linux. i had my share of problems in the beginning, but i sorted them out. i wonder if you have a thumb drive handy that you can drop a Ventoy on it and drop in a linux live ISO to just see if your system is fine or if its the drivers. a little bit of work, i know, but that’s what i would do because i’m loony tunes.
I just did, its not the solution + i need multiple instances because i make music, i dont play with vital only, i need multiple instances to run a bassline, a subbass a lead a shimmer etc, so it was not happening before, it suddently started to happen, im going to call fl studio support and see what can come forward from it.
Im going to go back on nvidia drivers and see if there is something colliding with it.