Free Vital Bank

thank you so much for your time and the best presets !!

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yw, enjoy n have fun :metal:

Lucy, you seriously rock !!!
Canā€™t tell you how happy I am to explore your great workā€¦
Huge Thanks :wink:


yw my friend n have fun :metal:

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Yes thanks again truly brilliant !! Thatā€™s so wonderful to share these beautiful presets :grin:

yw again :upside_down_face:

thank you!

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yw my friend n have fun! :metal:

These are so good! Thanks Lucy :slight_smile:

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Yw n have fun :metal:

Hi to all Vital lovers,

Took lil while but here is a third soundbank, i guess has 125 presets with different techniques. There r very random n cliche presets also some really strange and experimental onesā€¦ Hope you guys enjoy it n as i always say; experiment, modify, share n most important have fun :metal:

Here some demo tracks that only used Vital as a synth n my new soundbankā€¦


You are true star , just amazing sounds !! :grinning: :grinning:

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ty a lot n have fun :metal:

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Very generous of you. Fab sounds, inspiring. Big thanks.



yw my friend n have some great fun :metal:

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These are great, nice work you did. :slight_smile:
Will use them in my new album

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yw n have fun :metal:

Wow these are great. Thanks so much.


yw my friend n have fun :metal:

here guys u can listen all the demo songs i made from these 3 packsā€¦ nearly all sounds u hear r made with vital including the drums on most of the tracksā€¦