Exploring Vital 1.5.1 update (beta pre-release)

Available to Pro users apparently.


Indeed it is available, just upgraded to Pro and the new version beta is available :blush: finally!

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On windows 10 , It seems studio one 4.6 don’t detect vital vst 1.5 beta, it still loads my currentl version(1.0.2) and it doesn’t see any 1.5 beta version in my vst directory
It works well as stand alone
Does anyone have the same issue?

I’d make sure it’s installing to the same area where your plugin is. It should overwrite the plugin so the older version wouldn’t be available to load anymore.

On my part, had no problem installing it over the old 1.0.7 version in MacOS, M1 MBA.

Have nothing but kind words for you right now @Tytel, the new version is really cool. I’ll post anything problematic that catches my eye. Paying for the Pro version was really worth it and a def a good way to ‘reward’ you for it! Thanks a lot for your work.

hi, doesn’t open in logic pro ("The plug-in named “Vital” isn’t available on your system). i did reboot…

(the auval tool crashed on first try.) logic 10.7.4, on os 12.4, intel mac

logic report:
validating Audio Unit Vital by Vital Audio:

AU Validation Tool
Version: 1.10.0 
Copyright 2003-2019, Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Specify -h (-help) for command options

VALIDATING AUDIO UNIT: ‘aumu’ - ‘Vita’ - ‘Tyte’

Manufacturer String: Vital Audio
AudioUnit Name: Vital
Component Version: 1.5.1 (0x10501)

    • PASS


validation result: crashed validation

Not quite sure what’s causing this, does the standalone version open?

interesting. i had vital in my apps folder, and 2 other FOLDERS in applications named vital, with v1.5.1 in each folder. deleted ALL, reinstalled the new version.

1.5.1 does not open standalone, at all. and still no go in logic.

how can i help? i saved the ‘quit unexpectedly’ report (i just tried rebooting and then opening the app, and got that)…

EDIT: deleted all instances of vital, rebooted. ran the 1.5.1 installer again. still not opening (the standalone or the plugin).

Ah I think the extra Vital folders were from a bug in the installer that will be fixed in the next build.

When I get back to my mac I can send a separate app that I use for testing which will hopefully narrow down the issue.

great! and let me know if i you want the crashlog… thanks, love this plugin (in a musical but unromantic way)… :laughing:


thought i’d left another message here! the file just gave me a graphics window with animated images… labelled ‘TestPlugin’. nothing else in the folder…

just letting you know…

EDIT: to clarify, double-clicked it, it opened in the finder as a window with animated graphics. nothing more. anyway, i have that crashlog if needed.

Is this only for Pro users ? What about subscribers?

Yeah it’s available for subscribers also

this release is amazing. Love it. Not ran into bugs so far (vst2/3, fl studio, win11, x64). Will report if i do


Where do I download this? I’m not seeing it in my downloads.

It’s a staggered release. Subscribers and pro users get the early access version before it’s available for everybody.

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Incredible update, the performance improvements are massive on my M1 Pro MacBook!

A few bugs I’ve come across so far:

  • In Ableton Live when duplicating a track with Vital for the first time in a project, the whole DAW crashes
  • After a while the modulations around the knob they’re assigned to don’t show up anymore—you can only see the range when hovering over the knob, but you can’t see the modulation moving anymore. This still persists after closing and opening the project. I’ve had this issue with previous versions as well

Thank you so much for this update.

Thank you for this great update.
First time I had install the new version, it crashed, and the cause was the skins I made, maybe its because a border parameter is missing in the new editor, I can’t find it:


Anyway New version works fine with all the skins except (buggy) mine.

I downloaded the pre-relase and it won’t load. I’ve only tried the standalone so far but can’t get it working.

I’m working on a Windows 7 machine and have had no major issues with Vital on it as Standalone and inside Cubase Pro.

I’m not sure what to do? I’m not great with correcting installation problems. Any suggestions would be welcome. Can I roll back to Vital 1.07 or whatever the previous version was?

Thanks. sorry to be the problem child here. :face_with_thermometer:

Oh no problem Tytel, mines a plus account so I’ll wait a while then.