Why not use the name of the target modulaor instead of "Modulation N"?

Vital is quite straightforward to leanr, tahnks to its well designed GUI (although some hints on hover would help here and there).
By the way there’s something that I find really confusing: Modulation N (1, 2, 3, …) as the name of the target for modulators modalating other modulators. When these modulations increase beyond three or four it becomes quite difficult to find what Modulation N was the target for. Actually I think there’s no way to know it.

Why isn’t an explicit name used instead? Ex. LFO1 modulating OSC1 transpose, and LFO2 modulating that modulator, couldn’t it be named “Modulation LFO1 -> Osc1 Trnaspose” instead of, let’s say, “Modulation 37”?

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I bump this question since I wonder how other users deal with this. I see several presets with dozens of modulations of modulators, so I suppose I’m missing something here. How do you keep track of them?

I go to the Matrix tab and make sure it’s sorted by number (clicking on the ‘#’ column header if necessary).

Ok but having them sorted how do you know how is, let’s say, “Modulation Amount 1”?
In the following picture it is the amount of modulation of Oscillator 1 Wave Frame by LFO1.

When I have dozens of such modulation amounts I cannot remember the assignments…

I’m certainly sympathetic to the issue, but there are problems with your proposed solution.

  • Some of the destination names are already long: “Osc 1 Spectral Morph A”-mount is already truncated in the Matrix listing.
  • In your original example, LFO2 is actually modulating (LFO1->Osc 1 Transpose) Amount – there’s also a Power modulation for each Modulation. (This is the shape of the Morph curve shown in the Matrix list.)
  • Modulations can be stacked further: you could say modulate the LFO2 amount with a Random, and modulate that Random amount with a Macro.

I can see why Matt went with the naming scheme he did.

Of course you can stack how many modulators as you want, but each assignment is a pair of entities. If you modulate /A) the modulator (B) of a modulator © of an LFO (D) you will have A-B, B-C, C-D modulations. If B is B.a B.b (params of B) you might have A - B.a and A - B.b. In any case the string representation is limited to paris of things.

In case that’s impossible (I don’t see why) a view showing the routing of “Modulation Amount #” would be great.