What is this strange distortion?

I’m working on this very gentle/sweet sounding lead and for some reason I am getting some strange distortion at this part and I can’t place my finger on why?
Here’s a link to the audio:

And here’s a link to the patch:

It’s this almost like, whistling sound at around 1khz. It gets exacerbated when I put osc2 through the formant filter and there’s even a little on osc1. It’s really strange because it only seems to happen on certain notes, mainly on G3.

Any advise to help get this sound cleaned up a little would be really appreciated!

Edit: Another oddity that I noticed is that it is present both with and without filters. It almost feels like a phase cancellation effect? It has that ringing in the ears feeling

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Fun patch!
Sorry I’m not sure what which part of the sound you’re referring too but if it’s the really high stuff above 10k, a low pass filter helps a bit, I used the EQ put before the reverb

Also multiband compression always brings up a lot of artifacts you can try a lower dry/wet or even turn off the upwards expansion in the high/mid bands

A more advanced alternative, you could go into your waveform editor and take out the frequencies contributing to the build up of frequencies there

Hope this helps!

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