We made an AI Preset Generator for Vital!

Hello! We are students from South Korea, and our team has developed a Free Vital Preset Generator!

We’ve trained a generative AI to create new presets based on various sound types and genres. You can try it out at the link below:

(Note: You’ll need the early access version of Vital.)

Our site also features a text-to-wavetable synth preset generator. Please note that in this early version, the AI may not work well if the prompt is too specific or technical, and it might produce inaccurate or unusual sounds.

For now, due to maintenance costs, our temporary website will be available until early September. During this time, you can create and download AI-generated Vital presets without limits. We’ll also be continuously updating the site throughout this period.

If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out to us at:


Thank you, and happy music-making with this amazing synthesizer!

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Pretty interesting. I asked for a “Skinny Puppy lead” and got a ton of files, most of which weren’t particularly practical for use, most of which were scary sounding, a few interesting presets, and one new favorite.

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