Hello all !
I have the exact very same problem, so first of all thanks for all of your answers => IT NOW WORKS \o/ 

And not with ubuntu based distro !
1/ I went throught the Carla option : simply installing Carla with my default package manager made the Carla Rack being automatically available withing lmms instruments.
2/ I was at the same step as @POLO 's with his error dialog so I continue the thread with answer to the question of @chrissy.mc.1 (and reklamchef) :
ldconfig -p | grep libcurl
libcurl.so.4 (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/lib/libcurl.so.4
libcurl.so.4 (libc6) => /usr/lib32/libcurl.so.4
libcurl.so (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/lib/libcurl.so
libcurl.so (libc6) => /usr/lib32/libcurl.so
cat /etc/lsb-release
3/ I noticed that I do not have the libcurl-gnutls.so.4 the error dialog was throwing back.
Then I installed it : sudo pacman -S libcurl-gnutls
(note it’s not gnutils but gnutls)
4/ Then I restarted lmms from the last App image downloaded from the official website.
Note that during my effort to make it works I previously performed a full system update which is I guess always a good idea.
So I was able to look for my Vital.so library (from the archive I downloaded from Vital website) and double click on it.
Note : the one which worked is the one in VitalBinaries/ directory
The one in VitalBinaries/Vital.vst3/Contents/x86_64-linux/ do not work : it displays an error dialog “Could not find the VST main entry in the plugin library” (even if my “uname -a” command returns “x86_64 GNU/Linux” at the end of the line)
5/ This done, on the main frame of the CarlaRack window, you have this gearwheel-like configuration icon (at the right of the on/off-like button) : you can click on it
6/ here it asked me through a popup to enter my Vital account email/password
7/ then it downloaded some stuffs through a popup and made an “Install” button available, click on it
8/ And then your Vital plugin is available 
I still have to discover how all those Vital, Carla and Lmms work together, and hope I won’t have any other crashes look alike issues, but having his work is a great achievement ^^
Thanks again to every body !
Apprt from this Carla usage, some other informations about my experience:
- I tried with running Linux lmms and vestige, loading a ddl extracted through wine in the virtual c directory
- I tried with running Windows lmms through wine in the virtual c directory, loading a ddl extracted with wine as well
- I tried with both lmms installed from the default package management softward and with the very last App image download from lmms website
- I’ve run a full system update
==> None of those worked