Vital Volume Bug

Vital seems to be setting it’s volume control to zero output at random intervals. It happens with multiple versions of the synth loaded and the only workaround is to manually reset each synth tracks volume back to where it was within the Vital UI.

Has anyone else experienced this at all? It’s quite frustrating to get your levels right and then have everything go silent at a random point later on.

Never had that happen. What DAW/OS are you on? One thing to check might be, if you have some midi automation that you are not aware of…

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Right click on the volume and if there’s a ‘Clear MIDI learn’ option, select it

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That makes sense, it does seem to be a midi trigger but I have the issue whether I have automated or not at any point in the project. Thanks for the reply!

Thank-you for the reply, I have cleared the midi learn form he standalone application and this has carried across into the VST instances in the projects. I will test to make sure this permanently clears the issue but it looks like it has addressed my problem.

Thanks for being a responsive creator/programmer, people like you are what makes the music community so special.

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The only “bugs” that I have come across are purely down to learning the way of the vital,( and kicking myself for not being patient with myself in the process). Its one of those synths that looks pretty simple but has real depth. experimenting is key to mastering this synth. ( I have yet to delve into the murky depths of MIDI with this thing and I’m sure that will be a bundle of fun, and some hair pulling too).

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Well this is the first issue I’ve had so far, that’s quite rare for such a complex piece of software! I had been using Helm for a while and was considering Serum when this came up. I was more than happy to pay for this synth and support as it has more than I know how to use right now. Super complex and will challenge me for years to come!

I was also contemplating serum funnily enough. As far as pricing goes this synth knocks serum right out of the water.

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