Maybe a silly question but I never upgraded to Logic Pro X as wanted to keep all of my 32bit plugins such as PSP Nitro etc. So I downgraded my music Macbook Pro to Sierra 10.12.6 so I could choose to work in 32bit or 64bit on Logic Pro 9.
I’ve been getting on fine with Logic Pro 9, but I would love vital to work with this. So… Vital does work on this Macbook as a standalone, and the vital files are in all the right folders including VST - VST2 & Components folders, but it simply will not show up on Logic Pro 9. Is there a way to get Logic Pro 9 to see it.
Edit: Started showing on Logic Pro 9 - 1 day after posting this. Problem resolved itself.
Vital is 64 bit only
Also Logic require the AU version not VST if I’m not mistaken
I used the main download link to install Vital, I believe it includes the AU version as there is a Vital file in my library/audio/plugins/component directory. Logic Pro 9 supports AU and I believe this is where the AU plugin files are kept on MacOS.
Logic Pro 9 is 64 bit but has a 32 bit bridge enabling it to also run 32 bit plugins.
I am going to do some digging online and if I find a solution I’ll post it but at the moment it’s not showing at all in Logic Pro 9, even when I scan for new audio units it’s not coming up. For the time being I’ve downloaded a free DAW called Waveform 13 (on my newer MacBook) and I’m using Vital with that!
Ok, that’s strange, it’s started showing on Logic Pro 9 - 1 day after posting!
That’s brilliant 
Lol we take those, glad it’s working now!