Wavetable synths are just absolutely awesome for pads. You could spend a lifetime just randomly adding wavetables and oscillating them around in lush reverbs Vital is very equipped for this since it’s so easy to modulate all parameters.
So I spent about 15 minutes doing exactly that (could spend another hour to extend it to its maximum potential but I … did not). One of the wavetables used is one I created from my actual Prophet 6 hardware synth. Not that it really matters in this oasis of sound though
So, yes, yet anóther pad Preset and MP3 attached.
PAD - Sleeping in Space.vital (3.4 MB) https://vitalpublic.s3.dualstack.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/original/2X/6/6445e0e4876c5af2626f65bd9daf66a3e250eb9f.mp3