Ok I’ve responded to your post at the Image-Line forums.
When you go to the FL Plugin Manager and look for Vital, is the path shown in the PM the place where the Vital.dll is located ?
Yes it is. Also, I think that I have just confirmed that it is a graphics problem.
While looking for possible solutions, I had another plugin loaded and was looking at VST wrapper settings.
When I tried to load Vital for the umpteenth time it opened where the other one was closed i.e VST wrapper settings.
It was OK until I switched to plugin editor and then it crashed.
I have just noticed that briefly before it crashed, as seen in the image, everything is there except the Vital graphics.
Where are the graphics files stored and in what format are they?
Vital uses vector graphics. There are no graphics files stored outside of the .dll
There are .vitaltheme files that contain the settings for custom themes. You could try removing any of those from Documents/Vital.
Did you try the steps I posted at the FL Studio forums? I think your Vital installation has been corrupted somehow.
I can’t find any .vitaltheme files anywhere on my hard drive.
I am a bit confused with going back and forth between the two forums but I seem to have done everything anyone has suggested.
Do you mean the installation file has been corrupted? Perhaps I will download it again.
I have downloaded a new copy of the installation file.
It suggests the following folders
Select your VST plugin directory> C:\Program Files\Steinberg\VstPlugins
Is that OK?
It is in my plugin search paths.
I intend to install VST only
I seem to remember in previous installations I was asked for two directories but just one this time.
I haven’t installed it yet. I will wait for a reply.
Also, I disabled my AV before the download.
I have just realised something. When starting the install (which I have abandoned for now) it remembered my preferences i.e. only installing the VST version.
Where does it get that info from?
I personally wouldn’t install my VST plugins inside the Program Files folder but you can leave it like that if you have FL Studio pointed to scan that location.
No I don’t think the installation file itself was corrupted but it didn’t hurt to download a fresh one. I think it’s more likely that going from an old version to a new version then back to an old version again might have left some config files out of sync like these perhaps:
At any rate if you delete all the Vital files (make sure to back up your preset files and I would even try moving the entire Vital folder out of Documents and let it install a fresh one. You can move the preset files back after you get it working again) then do a fresh install of the last version that was working for you then technically there should be no reason it wouldn’t work again. It worked on your system before so the same version should work again. Whether or not the latest version 1.5.5 will work is another question.
Just make sure that after you install Vital again to do a full plugin re-scan in FL Studio using the settings I posted on the IL forums.
Latest update. I disabled my graphics driver and all is well. I haven’t come across any issues with graphics so far
What do you mean by that… just curious
Same here.
I regressed to 1.0.7 (1.0.8 in the download page due to a probable mistake) and it works.