Well that should be interesting considering how incredibly low cost Vital is now. Hopefully those who are only using the free version will update to a paid version to support Matt.
I may update from the Plus version but don’t need more presets so we’ll see.
We’re donating and matching all Vital Pro sales to Gameheads through Monday. Gameheads makes the tech industry more diverse by teaching young people game development, graphics, programming and sound design.
Upgrade (Plus to Pro) is same price as always, no?
Yeah I kinda regret buying Plus recently because this deal doesn’t save me anything.
I’m not able to upgrade for $35 instead of $55.The $20 off doesn’t work. I’ve been waiting for a long time to upgrade Black Friday.
I bought it too but don’t regret it. I bought it to get early access and to show my appreciation to Matt.
i bought it too…for free…feels a bit weird…so i just keep on paying my monthly fee as well: PRO + SUB