Vital 1.5.5 Clap: Note get stuck in Reaper

Note gets stuck when using the clap version of Vital and 96 kHz sample rate in Reaper. This does not happen when using the vst3 version of vital.
Not sure if this is a bug in Vital or Reaper, but since it is fine with vst3 I wanted to report it here first.

Does hitting the note with a midi keyboard unstick the note?
This is a bug I get in ableton every so often with the vst2 version and hitting the note quickly unsticks for me

I’ve had some quite strange things happening, and this is one of the less strange ones, and has happened on standalone for me. Samplerate hasn’t mattered.

Yes, hitting the same note does unstick it. However it has to be the same note, other notes won’t unstick it.

I believe it’s a known bug
I find the vst 3 version does this the least, good luck!

Alright, thanks!