Vital 1.5.3 UI bug (CLAP version only)

Went to download the new Vital version released today for pro subscribers and I am excited to see there is now a CLAP version for Bitwig users ! However there is a big bug with the UI for the CLAP version on my system: macOS Monterey. I’m sure it can be fixed relatively soon and easily but just wanted to let the community know as I am excited to use Vital as a CLAP plugin and I’m sure everyone that knows about the format is as well! I am running the latest version of Bitwig(4.3.8)

sorry I’m not sure if this jpeg will be visible to you guys but basically I am getting a big blank background surrounding vital but just wanted to clarify this only happening with the CLAP version: the vst3 version is running p


Same bug here, with Bitwig 4.3.4


Same bug in Bitwig 4.3.7, Monterey w M1 Pro.

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Same bug Bitwig 4.3.8, macOS Monterey 12.6, M1 Max.

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Same here with Bw 4.3.8 and M1 pro.

I can confirm this bug under macOS 12.6 as well. I looks like CLAP ignores the hidpi-scaling for the window size, since the window seems to be twice the size of the actual GUI.

My Bitwig doesnt even see the clap version

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Same bug. Vital 1.5.5, Bitwig 5.0.11, OSX 12.7, Apple Silicon M1

Just don’t use the CLAP plugin, it has other bugs as well.

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1.5.5 CLAP used in Bitwig on Monterey without problems for a long time…
now after clean MacOS install this problem came back
i don’t remember how i fixed it…

I confirm this is still an issue. I am using version 1.5.5. with Bitwig version 5.1.8 and macOS 14.4.1

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still the same CLAP-Bug on BITWIG v5.1.7. (Win10-64Bit on HP - G4 Z4)

… same here.