Trying recreate the Ice Field KORG Patch in Vital, but have hit a snag

I have gotten about as close as I can get to the original patch from the KORG MS2000 (using the microKORG demo loaded with the patches as a reference).

If you listen to the original patch (Shown here Metroid Prime Synth Patches ), you will hear that the Noise mixes with the tone of the oscillators.

My current attempts have the White Noise sample too cleanly separated and doesn’t mix with the tone of the oscillators.

Or maybe I’m using the wrong terms. Unsure. Point is I’m kind of at my wits end and need advice. Any insight on how to more accurately recreate the patch would be appreciated.

EDIT: To add further context. What I am trying to do is recreate how the sound is generated in microKORG, using similar settings as shown (which is involving a bit of math to translate some of the parameter numbers).

The Korg MS2000 patch according to microKorg uses 2 triangle oscillators at low, but differing volumes and the noise generator at maximum volume. It has a LPF 12db applied with high resonance, low cutoff, and a low EG intensity.

Those descriptions have little meaning without knowing the exact setup, and even then what maximum volume in noise generator, high resonance and low cutoff means depends on how the synth works. There’s things like AEG for oscs and noise, noise pitch, noise color and such that hasn’t been elaborated. Also, that patch uses delay and generous reverb that likely sounds way different from Vital’s reverb. Also, that Korg’s filters most likely sound very different from Vital’s that start to saturate pretty easily on high resonances.

So if you want to replicate the setup and you can actually do that with a reference you’re going to get a totally different sound.

Edit: I had a go just for the fun of it. Same but different.

First: I’m sorry for giving incomplete/unhelpful information. What would I need to give you in order to best help me?

Secondly: how did you do that? I would like to study it.

My ultimate goal is to get as close to a clone of the original preset as possible. But I am very inexperienced with synthesis in general, and Vital is only the second synth I’ve tried to work with.

I didn’t mean to point out your shortcoming, but to say that if that’s all you have for the original patch then you don’t have much and it’s useful only as a starting point for the experiment.

I used one triangle wave, dunno why I should use two so used only one. That and white noise, the noise tuned to -48st and set to key follow. That to digital 12db lp filter with indeed quite high resonance and that to another lp filter with no resonance to control the highs to taste. Amp env is quite fast, but the filter env even faster. Then those I sent to slight delay and then reverb, then to soft clip and then to compressor to get that grit out.

I can share the patch if you want.

Edit: I think the noise servers two purposes in this patch, to give the filter movement the mass since triangle wave isn’t particularly rich in harmonics and to give density to the reverb that’s responsible for the tail.

I would be delighted if you would share it.

What I was doing was using a demo of the microKORG digital synth with the KORG MS2000 factory presets loaded in (to get the Ice Field patch in there). All my attempts with Vital were by studying the preset.

It honestly never occurred to me to try using Soft Clip or the Compressor.

I should probably have added that I only used the compressor for upwards compression. That tends to bring out the nitty gritty detail of the sound without drastically affecting how the transients feel like. Or that’s how I tend to use it.

Here’s the patch. I tweaked it some already without a reference so it might be a bit different, but I don’t think it matters much.

LD MS2000 Ice Field.vital (139.5 KB)

Thanks to you, a friend, and some of my own research. I came up with one I think is pretty much as perfect as I can muster.

Uses two triangle waves and even as a Mod Wheel control for the LFO on said waves, and the Noise Sample volume.

Thank you! I’ll probably have a question on how to do a different one I’ve been struggling with soon.

Hey nice! Can you share the patch too? I’d be interested since I’ve been somewhat invested in this as well.

Ice Field Ver. Vital.vital (171.3 KB)

There ya go!