True mono mode for individual envelopes

Envelopes lacking true mono mode is a serious limitation in Vital’s capabilities. This used to be one of the standard ways to set up envelopes, and I’d like to see it in Vital too.

What I mean is that the envelopes, when they don’t bug out, always start at zero output. In some synths it’s possible to have the attack start from where the release ended before a new noteon arrived.

This behavior brings about plethora of expressive capabilities.

For example, as the envelope’s output increases the more notes you play, and the more notes you play usually means more intense passage, the envelope automatically adds to the playing intensity.

Another use case would be to have consequential notes to follow the attack curve continuously when writing midi.

So I’d like to see a setting in Vital’s envelopes to set them in mono mode that would preferably work independently from the patch polyphony setting.

What do you think, do you see the potential here?

Edit: f**k me, I only had to change the voice override to steal. How did I miss this, I always thought that’s what it’s ought to do but thought it’s not working, probably because the envelopes’ glowing dots don’t reflect what’s going on but start from zero so I’ve tested it, looked at it and concluded that nah, it’s not doing that.

Then again this is per voice and not per envelope setting, so why not to make mono mode available for individual envelopes?