I subscribed to Vital in order to use TTWT, which appears to be unavailable in the free and basic versions.
I have seen videos of the feature working! But it isn’t working for me. My experience:
Load the preset Text to WaveTable Template
Rightclick in the OSC-1 pane, choose “Text to WaveTable” from menu
Type in some text [*], such as “4321”, “check-1-2”, “nothing”, “SheNoWork”, etc.
Hit Enter
Play keyboard.
All I hear is “text to wavetable”, NOT ONCE my typed-in text. Huh, wtf?
[*] Re typing in text, the space character is not allowed?! Seriously? (Typing it does nothing, it’s suppressed.) How does the TTS service/engine know where syllable boundaries are, and why are you making it figure that out (probably wrongly some of the time)? A great inconvenience for the user, with no discernible advantages.
For the record TTWT also works in the Basic version. I can’t say for sure it works in the free version but I think it does.
Try starting with “Initialize Patch” and try typing your text there. TTWT has always worked for me no matter what I typed including space but I’ve never tried special characters.
I’m on Windows so can’t say if it works on Mac as well but I haven’t seen anyone else reporting the same thing you are.
EDIT: I just tried using the Text to Wavetable Template and it works fine there too.
OK I tried it in Ableton Live Lite v10, and it works properly (I can enter spaces, I hear the text I’ve typed, etc.)
Before that, I tried your approaches in Reaper [latest version, 6.18], and no change: entering text had no affect on the sound, and I couldn’t enter spaces. Just whose bug it is, I’ll leave to you to sort out But I expect Reaper support matters.
At at https://vital.audio/ there’s a matrix of Vital-versions vs features, but it says nothing about the TTWT capabilities of the Basic and Plus versions. I tested Basic in Reaper, lol, where it doesn’t work, & inferred it wasn’t supposed to. Is there a limit on TTWT usage in those versions?
Edited to add: Thanks for the quick reply, and for the great work/great synth & UI.
Hi @twangist, I’m sure I read at some point that the Pro version had “unlimited” Text to table conversion, and that the Plus version was limited to 5 runs per day. Not sure if there was a statement about the free version.
I don’t doubt your successful experiences with TTWT in Reaper on Windows But it isn’t working on MacOS 10.14.6, the latest version you can run without losing all your 32-bit apps.
On MacOS, Reaper’s (computer) keyboard handling in edit fields feels non-native, it doesn’t see certain combos e.g. prev/next word (Option + horiz-arrows). I just remembered: Reaper/Mac also ignores space char in other plugins, e.g. Kontakt player, so that is their bug.
Edited & emended:
On 12/25, “miraculously” Vital TTWT worked just fine in Reaper 6.18. On 12/26, after closing & reopening Reaper, it again does not work, in the ways described. I found I can enter spaces with Shift+Space, but it’s moot because Vital (1.0.3) doesn’t change the wavetable after I hit Enter. FYI when I hit Space while typing a phrase into Vital, it gets passed through and the project starts playing – just would happen if Vital weren’t open.
That did the trick, thanks. I knew there was such an option, & thought about it, but wasn’t sure it was the culprit, because I had this option UNchecked when things started to unexpectedly work properly. I changed no options/settings/prefs between when it worked and when it resumed failing.
For the benefit of anyone else who gets tripped up by this, let’s mention that in Reaper 6.19 & presumably earlier this option is nontrivial to find: it’s in the context menu of the FX window, apparently only – not in Preferences and not in the main menus.
I am having this exact same problem with Text To Wavetable, Vital 1.0.7 running via Reaper v6.49/OSX64 on Mac OS 10.14.6. I can’t find “Send all keyboard input to plugin”. Does it still exist?