Skin Sharing Thread

Nice and easy on the eyes for long sound design sessions!


Hey there! Found this superrrrrr late so duont know if youll even see this but everytime i try to apply the skin my whole vital just crashes. Is there any known fix to this as this skin inparticular has been my favorite i have found and would love to use it!


Emerald Theme

Cool WAV - Emerald Theme.vitaltheme (67.4 KB)

WoodShop Theme

Cool WAV - WoodShop Theme.vitaltheme (62.9 KB)

Fancy Theme

Cool WAV - Fancy Theme.vitaltheme (67.0 KB)

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where’d you get those wavetables?

I got them from Producer Hive, i’ll send you a dm with more info

Indigo Theme

Cool WAV - Indigo Theme.vitaltheme (62.6 KB)

Ghosted Theme

Cool WAV - Ghosted Theme.vitaltheme (62.8 KB)

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Inspired by Troth I made this two new skin , Orion and Acid Green. I downloaded a lot of skins in the past few years here so it’s time for me to return the favor!


download here Vital Skins


The new pack is ready! Free Skin Pack 3.0


Dude, woodshop has got to be one of my favorite themes I’ve seen in this whole entire thread!

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Thank you! I’m glad you like Woodshop, I will make a new set of Themes soon :sunglasses:

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Looking forward to it! :smiley:

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Fixed some minor minor little panel presets things Vital Skins

Hi, new member here. Trying to put together an Ableton Light inspired theme. Pretty much got the right colors for everything except for those two pop-up windows that appear when you click 1) on the logo and 2) on the “save preset” button. As you can see from the attached screenshots, they just keep their dark fill like in the default theme, and I cannot for the life of me find a way to make them light-gray like the main pane… What am I missing here? Could anyone point me to the correct color element?

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Here’s the underlying pane for reference

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The Ghosted theme is gorgeous! I’m happy as-is, but I would be curious to see how it’d look with a dark amber text w/ the subtlest glow to maintain the text of the inactive tabs (effects, matrix, advanced)

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Here you go! I made two different versions

Cool WAV - Ghosted Theme edit 1.vitaltheme (63.2 KB)
Cool WAV - Ghosted Theme edit 2.vitaltheme (62.8 KB)

Never mind, problem solved. It’s the “Overlay Body” section under “Synth_Selection”

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For Bitwig users! I hope you like it :blush: