Skin Sharing Thread

Update YouTube Light.vitalskin (9.4 KB) Made an alternative light version if you are into that kind of stuff.


Made a semi-light red skin, feedback would be appreciated :slight_smile:
It won’t let me upload attachments for some reason, so if more images are needed I will send them.


damn, I really should’ve kept that wavetable angle a secret. lmao.

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Why not name it ‘Flamin’ Hot Cheeto Skin’?

I used to be addicted to these things! I still love them, but they no longer love me! (Indigestion issues!)

Created a skin based on my VS Code theme. Dark, low contrast and clear colors

Can’t add attachments, but created a quick download page on Github:


Hope you don’t mind me posting the direct file for convenience
Atom One Dark.vitalskin (12.8 KB)


It is almost done, so here is another teaser!


Cyberpunk.vitalskin (6.7 KB)

My Cyberpunk skin is finally complete! Enjoy!


I really like the Vital skin with YouTube colours but I don’t see an active download link in your post. Would you mind sharing it please? The color scheme is excellent and very modern looking. Thank you.

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It was there but I don’t know what happened to it. Will add it back when I get the chance, thanks for letting me know! :slight_smile:

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Thank you woody. I downloaded the YouTube Light skin and I like it’s crisp look. I normally prefer darker GUI’s since I’m typically staring at the screen for hours on end. That’s why I was hoping to download the darker one. The combination of black, blue and red is very visually appealing. :sunglasses:

Download should be fixed now! :slight_smile:

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Thanks for fixing the link woody. I must say that I like several of the custom skins on offer, but your darker YouTube skin really gels with me visually. You’ve picked colors that I would probably chosen if I was making a custom skin. Much appreciated, cheers mate!! :+1:

Juno.vitalskin (8.1 KB) Made a Roland Juno themed skin.


Click the icon with the up arrow and you’ll get this:

You may have to accumulate a certain number of posts before you gain the ability to upload files.


Nice, but the link is dead.

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Hello there, new user who just signed up.

I have made a couple skins I thought I’d share.

Aqua: this was made by modifying the default skin
Black Sun: for this one I pretty much copied the lovely background and ENV/LFO colours from @woody Juno skin. So, thanks for the inspiration / starting point!

Amon418 Aqua.vitalskin (10.3 KB)

Amon418 Black Sun.vitalskin (9.3 KB)
Updated with fixed FX Rotary Arc colours on 27/03/2022 16:00 CET


Reminds me of Glitch2. Very nice skin though

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New Skin That Comes with my latest Preset Pack