Same project, different PC, No sound from Vital (problem solved)

Hello everyone,

I seem to have a weird problem, which I cannot solve.

I have on my PC a FL studio project containing some Vital Synths based on some presets.

I have on my laptop (so a different machine) the same versions of FL studio, Vital and the presets.

When I open the project on the PC, everything works as intended.
When I open the project on the laptop, I get no sound from Vital.

But here comes the weird part. When I open a new project on the laptop and I add Vital and use the same preset, I get the sound as expected!

So in some kind of way, there seems to be something weird happening with either Vital or my FL studio project. But I cannot figure out what to look for next.

Anyone an idea?

Minor addition to the case above:
When I select a different preset on the existing project on the laptop, I get no sound.
But when I select that same different preset in a new project on the laptop, I DO get sound.

So in my opinion it’s not a preset location issue.

And problem solved after some more digging (thanks ChatGPT for the hint).

Appearantly there was an effect plugin added to the mixer project in the project file, which wasn’t available on the laptop yet, which caused the no sound issue.
I got not notification however for this missing plugin, but I found out after disabling the effects in the mixer track of the Vital synth.

So no Vital issue to be found here.

This ticket can be closed.

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