Question: how to achieve this sound

Hello everyone,

I’ve been listening to various tracks by the artist “Audionautix”, and I love the main synth sound of the piece “Atlantis” but I couldn’t replicate that at all. Any ideas on how I could get there? Thanks in advance.

Have a nice day

Heya, so do keep in mind this sound is absolutely drenched in reverb that is the first characteristic I notice.

Just guessing (didn’t try any actual recreation) but there’s clearly a brass/string type sound layered underneath, the lead itself may be also a higher pitched brass sound, but I would definitely play around with some triangle waves or soft/rounded triangles with some attack time (5-10ms maybe?)
Sustain would be down a bit so it’s a bit plucky and likely a 24db filter on the env as well, not much high end

a good starting place would be any “flute” synth tutorial or something similar

Maybe this tutorial but filter it more and drench in reverb

Have fun and experiment! Good luck!