First I chose a wavetable, I try to get it random with some S&H 1/4 random modulation on the oscillator pitch. In the second time I added a formant filter (amizing in Vital) and put some LFO on the smear unison and filter for more dynamics. And this is all!
Yes, the dalay on the LFO is like “open” and “close” the LFO. I think it’s just like a dry / wet or mix knob on the LFO! when the delay is all the way up the LFO don’t work, but if you put the delay knob to the minimum you can hear the LFO working. It’s an interesting modulation in Vital.
Thanks for sharing. I’ve been learning Psytrance production techniques that I also use in other genres and Vital is proving to be perfect for modern dance music of all kinds.