Old open gl version

Hello. My pc is old. All I see is a black screen when I open vital. It says that I need a newer open gl. My computer canny be updates any furthee. It is very ild and I am not able to buy a new one yet. I am just 17 years old. And ny dad won’t let me get a new one. Dear, Matt Tytel, can you give me an installer for Vital meant for old computers. Please. I really need this synth.

Not sure whether to laugh or feel bad here. He’s gonna make the synth for the widest user base possible, which happens to mean using the latest OpenGL version. Using an older one would require a massive rewrite of the graphics code, and you have a pretty extreme edge case so it wouldn’t make a whole lot of sense to go through all the work.

If you need a wavetable synth that bad, I would recommend either saving up for a new graphics card, or buying Serum which uses the CPU for most of the graphics computations.

Or you can attempt to run an entire virtual machine to get it working :eyes:

I understand. I have no money. I am 17. I am trying save up for serum but just here in india, it is hell. I am trying to talk to my dad about a new pc. It’s not easy for me. Trust me. Be happy, you aren’t in india

Try the free Surge synth. It will probably run on your old computer since it’s been in development for many years.


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Thanks will definitely try it

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