New Brostep Preset Pack For Vital

Hey everyone,

Black Lotus Audio just released a new Vital preset pack called Bossfight: Brostep For Vital.

With Bossfight, we were determined to put our signature spin on a genre that inspired many bass music producers - ourselves included - to start creating their own music.

Inside you’ll find everything you need to create aggressive, intense music full of heavy bass drops and melodic ear candy, including:

  • 60 Powerful Basses
  • 15 Melodic Keys & Plucks
  • 10 Driving Leads
  • 10 Hyped-Up SFX
  • 5 Dark Pads
  • 20 Premium Wavetables

There are a total of 100 Vital presets and 20 custom wavetables included in Bossfight, all professionally designed and ready to use with no additional tweaking necessary.

Check out the demo track and learn more about Bossfight here.

Enjoy :slight_smile: