Need help. I purchased Vital Plus and it just took my money and gave me nothing

I purchased Vital plus and it let me download Vital, however when I tried to login it says the user does not exist. I tried to login and now it won’t let me. Could somebody please help me with this issue? I don’t see an email to contact support. Thanks

Try support at vital dot audio. Don’t hold your breath while waiting for the reply. Also, go to Vital discord and ask about this in all channel.

Your login works on the website no? Otherwise you couldn’t log in to dl it. Does it say there you have the pro tier? Better to screenshot that and attach it to the email.

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i contacted them at that email and they assisted me. Good looking out, thanks!

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Good for you, now change the title of this post, and have some fun with Vital Plus :smiley:

Whoa, I’ve read numerous reports on ppl getting reply after months of waiting or not even then. Good to hear that you got it done!