Moving filter mix broke a preset

I have a preset I made and while moving the filter mix around the whole preset seems to have broken… now Vital won’t make sounds on that preset at all anymore… really fucking pissing me off

Is it one of your own presets? Can you just remake it?

If it’s from a pack you can always redownload to see if that fixes it

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I did, but I dont want to have to remake patches, I want Vital to NOT break randomly

Yes of course
But have you done any testing to determine what might have caused the issue? Any other info would be great

moving the filter mix around the whole preset seems to have broken… now Vital won’t make sounds on that preset at all anymore…

Is it showing any output in the top left for volume?


Who else would I ask?

Anyway, feel free to post the patch maybe someone will be willing to look at it

OP: My preset not work
Community: Can you tell us more so we may troubleshoot with you
OP: You’re wasting my time


Sorry to be rude but EDIT: I took the rude stuff out, it’s not worth it LOL

My guy, I HAVE seen this issue. Why did you think I was asking questions about it.

:face_exhaling: :person_facepalming:


If humans couldn’t come up with solutions to new problems we’d still be breaking coconuts with rocks naked.

if you haven’t already been banned from your DAW’s forum because they’re all a bunch of stupid idiots, I’d also ask there.


My man is so lost :face_with_spiral_eyes:
All you had to do is post the patch and I would have fixed it for you.

Whomp whomp

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to instantly stop the lagginess, just go to the advanced tab and select the lowest oversampling setting. your welcome in advance.

The lagginess may also depend on the graphics card / graphics driver used, and on the plugin host. I experience no lagginess when I run Vital standalone, but borderline unusable lagginess when I run the Vital GUI as a CLAP plugin under Carla.