This is a bug because opengl 2 is like 400 years old by now
I’ve quoted my situation and process although yours may be different, the “spoofing” of openGL seems necessary in some cases.
The workaround for my situation with my particular on-cpu graphics problem running Vital in WINE:
For those who are using for example, an Integrated Intel graphics CPU who need the Vital.dll to work in Reaper in WINE, but gives you a black screen (or some other DAW) , and if you’re getting the OpenGl 1.4 error, and your system is using the MESA driver, then try this temporary environmental variable to start your DAW: (in this case, Reaper) It will cause Reaper and all your .dll plugins to see version 4.5 of OpenGL. You may not have 4.5 so check your ‘glxinfo’
MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE=4.5 wine ‘/home/username/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/REAPER (x64)/reaper.exe’
(where I wronte ‘/home/username…reaper.exe’ you must substitute your own DAW’s path of course.)
This temporarily tells WINE to use 4.5 as it’s “OpenGL (Shader) Version String”
If for some reason you want/need to try Vital.exe as a standalone on Linux via WINE, and are in the crowd who gets only a black screen with the OpenGL 1.4 error, then write the same command prefix, of course making sure it is the proper driver.
Your system might be using a different driver to perform OpenGL duties, so start with this command to start troubleshooting:
glxinfo | grep OpenGL
so, this matter is fixable, on either the user side, WINE’s side or Vital’s side but for now it seems to work like a charm!
Also, i am unable to use Vital-linux in Reaper Linux unless it is “run as Native” mode.
And the opengl version string command i gave above is for your DAW in place of “Reaper exe” which i was running under wine. Consult your favorite linux forum and ask how to change the version string for your distro and daw.