LFOs always start from zero value on noteon, no matter the mode

LFOs always start from zero value (that is, not the phase) and rapidly jump to their starting value when on noteon message. This can be even a good thing, because it opens up possibilities for abusing that effect with a lot of LFO smoothing. But I don’t want that always, so maybe make that a toggle and and add an option to start either from the first node’s value when triggering, synced position value when synced, or last known position value when frozen, which is the expected behavior imo.

Edit: That has to be a toggle, because otherwise patches made prior to the change in behavior that abuse the effect will break. Or then have different behaviors based on the version. Dunno.

Further edit: figured out how to circumvent this, but after a bit of playing around with it I can’t make it reliable, so this still needs attention ig.

Sorry not at home but can you map the smooth knob to things? I don’t think so but wondering if you could remap it in matrix to be a toggle

I’m not sure what you’re getting at, maybe you can elaborate? I’ve tried number of workarounds and none have worked. Like if I map noteon random to lfo phase and turn up the smoothing I don’t get random smoothed stuff but smoothed stuff that always starts from the same value, zero, and there’s no way around that. That’s actually very useful effect, so I wouldn’t want to have to give up on that either, although that can be approximated with an envelope as aux modulator, so not a huge deal if that disappears. Just more work to set it up when needed.

Sorry I’m not sure if I’m thinking right but:
If you map a macro to smoothing, and then remap in the matrix into a square wave shape it becomes like a toggle switch when the macro is at 50%
You could then map something to control the macro perhaps?
Not sure if this helps or not lol

Not really lol, my problem is that the LFO starting value doesn’t reflect its phase due to how Vital works.

Haha yes, I just meant as a way to create a toggle for your work around, for the smoothing of the initial ramp

Yup, but now that I think of it that’s not gonna even work so I’ll edit it out. Good that you suggested that, thanks!

Dang haha we tried

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Actually that does work. An envelope with about 3ms attack and the power as low as possible on smoothing will eliminate the effect. LFO in envelope mode might be even more accurate. If I then randomize the LFO position with a frozen S&H LFO instead of noteon random the LFO actually slides between the last position and the new position on noteon. Yay, success! Thanks again, you made me try this another time and actually figured out how to circumvent this for randomizing the phase.

This doesn’t slide from synced LFO’s last known position and the LFO skips the smoothing in when a note isn’t playing, but that’s more of a design choice than a bug and expected, and that has its own use too and might even result in more interesting stuff actually. But this hints one thing that I haven’t thought about - the smooth knob seems to smooth out the momentary output of the LFO, not the LFO curve itself. So it’s active when a note is playing and sits between the LFO curve and the modulation destination.

And a frozen S&H seems to have a slight ramp when it triggers, so that ramp might get smoothed out, giving the effect I described above.

Live and learn Ig. This doesn’t need to get fixed now at least for me. I know my way around it and have more possibilities than ever.

Edit: can’t make it reliable. It’s possible to just skip the smoothing altogether, but when I do and modulate the phase with S&H on frozen LFO Vital seems to start to do quite random stuff with the smoothing. I should record a video about that, it’s bit lengthy to explain. So, still needs to be fixed.

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