Is there a vst3 version of vital on mac?

is there a vst3 version of vital on mac?? and how to set it up? i really want to collab with my friend shes on mac im on pc we both use fl studio but cant share presets together because she has the au version and i have vst3. please im begging for any kind of help on this

and a follow up question. can i open patches that were made on vital au in vital vst 3?

Hey there

Yes, you can install the vst3 version on Mac, its should be the same as you would any other plug in. The main download should have all three available vst, vst3, and au. It may just need to be reinstalled or run the installer again. (Feel free to save your user presets folder first though for safety)

Yes, you can certainly open any patch that was made on vst or au in either one. The only issue around patches would be the Vital version, so just make sure you both have the same one, such as 1.0.7 or 1.5.5, etc.

The issue and easiest solution, I assume/I can think of, is that you will not be able to use her project, because she has loaded AU instances of vital. She will need to send you a project with Vital as vst instances so you can use it :slight_smile:

In short, have your friend switch the Vital plug ins in the project to the VST versions (after she installs if not already) that way you should be able to use them on PC.

Hope this helps

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Thank you so much! I really appreciate the info!

Good to see you’re still working on it :+1:

No problem and best of luck!

I know it’s not the best for working on things together but it’s so much easier to transfer audio channels/ stems instead of plugins. If you can bounce/flatten anything to audio definitely do it!
For example even if you both have the same reverb but if one of you updated newest version and one didn’t it probably won’t work, it gets annoying very quickly.

Often when collaborating with others, in order to put as much to audio as we can, for example maybe I’ll do all the drums, and send the stems over for my friend to then do the bass line. Again all as bounced to audio (of course you can save as a separate project with the plug ins so you can always go tweak) but then they’ll then send it back to me and I’ll maybe work on the atmosphere, etc you get the idea.

Long story short if you start to collab a bunch it might get tricky using a bunch of plugins just a heads up for the future!

Anyway have fun :slight_smile:

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lol i gave up on this the first time but now im back to actually fix the issues lol cheers!!