Is there a Hold button?

Many synths have hold buttons, I use them a lot and would like to do the same in Vital. Any ideas? I don’t want to modify sustains and releases on each oscillator.


Is this what you’re looking for?

A button to hold down a note / chord whilst you do other things? No.
See - New user, HOLD note button for a tip

Thank you both!!

Quite a few synths have a Hold (also called Latch) function for their Arpeggiators.

If you have a midi controller keyboard it’s a very useful and fun feature.


What happens if you play an Am triad and then a Gm triad with the hold button activated? Do you get all 6 notes at once? Or does it somehow detect that you played one chord, and then played another,.so it replaces the Am with the Gm?

“if the arpeggiator has a ‘latch’ function activated, just hit the chord once, and the pattern will continue to play until another note, or chord is hit.”

So there must be a heuristic that says “these three notes were hit close enough together to be treated as a single chord” (since you probably can’t actually play all the notes of a chord at exactly the same time - a millisecond or two might separate the notes of the chord). Then when you hit the second chord, enough time has elapsed that it sees those notes as a distinct chord, and unlatches the first chord.

Interesting. I could see where that would be useful. I was thinking that there should be a max for live device for this (for Ableton Live users, of course). And sure enough:.

Actually, it appears that there are a lot of such devices. It would take some time to figure out which one is best.

There are quite a few Arp plugins. Here’s a free one that has Latch so you can try it out for yourself. Of course you’ll need a midi controller keyboard to get the most out of it:

Arguably the best (free) arp:


Hey all, thanks for all the comments! I was hoping to find a hold button within Vital. I did find the hold knob but it didn’t do what hold buttons do on my synths/arps/sequencer.

Thanks again!

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maybe Matt if you’re reading this, could there be a shift+click to hold notes on the virtual keyboard that’s in the plugin or something?

It might bring a lot more drone and ambient evolving patch folks into Vital. I will use that feature quite often if it exists. But for now, 3rd party software does the job but since Vital has a standalone I’d rather just use one program if possible.

i know there are some workarounds… but any news about this feature update? its such a simple thing to implement and it would make all the difference for all of us that make ambient music =)

I agree. It would be very useful and proably not so hard to implement. Many years have passed, yeah, but can we still have hope in a HOLD button for Vital someday?

If you\re on Windows you could use Bome’s midi translator to make your computer keyboard send sustain to Vital.

Can you have hope for that? Nobody’s stopping you for hoping. Will it happen? Truth to be told, you shouldn’t wait for new features for Vital. If you need something else, use something else.

I’m not using something else 'cause Vital rocks, just saying that that button would be really useful. : )
