In the severable editor

In the wave table editor, if I add a sourcce, can I mix the sources together? How do I get the added sources to be audible?

try some vital Wavetable+vital tutorial on youtube.

don´t understand what exactly you are trying to to.

In[quote=“vcvr, post:2, topic:4725, full:true”]
try some vital Wavetable+vital tutorial on youtube.

don´t understand what exactly you are trying to to.


In the WT editor I can “add a source,” a line source or audio or wave. I can move them up and down, slice them and rearrange them. I can add modifiers to any source group–BUT none of the added sources affect the sound at all. So, is there a step I am missing? As far as I can tell, only the first source is active, unless I remove it.

I’ve watched several tutorial vids, and none even mention this feature

try the one from marula music i postet there.

when i add line source, double click on the wave and drag around the points i can hear changes to the sound.

maybe try with init preset.

right now i have no idea why it don´t works for you.

Not sure I understand completely, but, if you use an LFO to sweep thought the wave table’s frames you’ll hear the changes from the various sources in the wavetable.