How to make synth detune when note rings out?

So I don’t know if I’m wording this correctly but I’ve been messing around and trying to make a pad sound that I was thinking of. I wanted to have it detune after I’ve stopped playing a note as it rings out. I was wondering if there was a way to trigger an LFO to the release and then link it to the pitch wheel maybe? I think that would be the simplest way to do it but I can’g get it to work that way. I’m not sure if its simply not possible or I’m just not doing the right things but that’s the idea I’ve had and would love to be able to get the sound I’m hunting for.

Heya, there’s a couple ways you could accomplish this, but it depends on the effect that you are looking for/how you want it to occur

Edit: my updated solution would be:

if you’re more comfortable with the pitch wheel and playing the effect, set the bend range to 1 semitone, now when you use the pitch wheel it will be maxed at 1 semitone and will basically be like the fine pitch control
this way you’d play the note, release, then bend the wheel a bit for subtle detuning while it’s fading out. :slight_smile: ofc you can also just automate the pitch wheel.

My original message:

If you’re looking for a modulation to do this, definitely an env/ the amp env/lfo mapped to the detune/pitch/etc. (Maybe as inverted modulation) and some changing of the modulation matrix shape should also get you the desired effect.

Second edit: You could also map the fine pitch of the oscs to the mod wheel, thereby leaving your pitch wheel open for bigger pitch bends, depending if you need that in the patch elsewhere in the tune

I belive the lfos have a release envelope mode where they trigger during the release phase of envelope 1. I could be wrong though, haven’t used Vital in a minute.

detune when note rings out.vital (395.3 KB)

the only way i ever found to have vital do something after you let go of the note is to use a sustain envelope, at which point it’s a matter of playing around and being creative with what you want it to do.

detuning pad.vital (246.0 KB)


got a little carried away experimenting so I thought I’d share