How to build slow-evolving sinusoidal/tonal-like textures?

Hi everyone,
This is my first post here, and I’m also new to using/programming Vital. As an ambient music creator (2 decades ago), I’m really drawn to slow-evolving textures, similar to the “old-school” Californian ambient music from artists like Steve Roach and Robert Rich. For example, listen to this piece:

My goal is to create those kinds of ultra-slow, “pure” drones, where by “pure” I mean evolving soundscapes made by sinusoidal and tonal oscillations (tuned to harmonic intervals), just like in the track above.

As a beginner, I started by searching for ready-made presets, but I couldn’t find anything that quite fits what I’m looking for. I realize that the “analog” sound I want might not be Vital’s strongest suit, since it’s a wavetable-based synth. However, I think Vital is so powerful, versatile, and fun to use that I’d like to give it a try instead of using something like Surge or other synths.

Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated. If you can point me to a ready-made preset, that would be amazing. Otherwise, if you could guide me on how to start building this sound—maybe with sine oscillators and some LFO modulation— I would be very grateful.
