FX Send buses in Vital

Vial is already an incredible MONSTER synth but…
Surge synth has capability to switch FX off globally, which is really handy when browsing through loads of presets!
Also, if each oscillator in Vital could be routed to a send bus that could be modulated???

Example: I might want to have more delay/reverb on one oscillator than the others and want to modulate the SEND (not MIX) control so that the delay repeats can remain whilst new notes are not triggering repeats.
To be fair to Matt, these update goodies could be reserved for the Pro version so he can afford a decent holiday ( if he’s allowed under New world Order restrictions?!?!?! ) or have more time to relax in his private pool???

Of course, it is appreciated that VItal already has the option of outputting oscillators independently to either filter or both, to FX or direct to the outputs, which begs the question…
Could a future update provide separate outputs for VItal???

At the end of the day, we can always do all this in any decent DAW by simply having multiple instances of any synth, but hey we are the synth geeks who just can’t get enough!!!


I definitely like the idea of send buses. Particularly because with your whole sound passing through the FX, turning the mix beyond 50% (for many FX) drops the volume of the dry signal, and, maybe it’s just my ears, but sometimes seems to alter the sound bit.

Reverb in particular, when I want to hear the reverb better, cranking the mix over 50% means the dry signal quickly gets washed out.

If I could route to a filter AND and effects and then just have the filter go directly out, thought would be a decent work around (if those were features too).


This would be good, but in my opinion, only if it doesn’t complicate the workflow.

For me, vital is the best synth out there because it is very deep and complex, but presented with a very simple UI and understandable workflow.

I have other synths which have fx bus lanes, but I don’t use these as the workflow is painful.
A psychologist would call this behavioural avoidance.

At the current moment I’d probably be happier with VitalFX to use on a return track in my DAW.

if fx were all treated as 1) unlimited instances and 2) sends and 3) routable in the matrix, then that should more or less make everybody happy… except Matt :slight_smile: