Post your free Vital patches here!
This a single place to find free patches. At the end of the month they will be collected all up and re-posted as a Vital bank. (I’m slightly behind this month.)
This thread is ideally limited to free stuff. Producers of commercial patches can have their own threads and thus make a bit more of a fanfare to promote their super sounds.
I just started managing this thread, and I forgot to get my hosting set up, so last months bank may be delayed a day or two. Hope you don’t mind too much.
Vital banks from previous months can be downloaded here:
Free Patch Sharing Thread Google Drive folder
That’s right! I’m putting them all in one place, easy to find, easy to download all in one go. And, in the spirit of sharing, I would love to include other vitalbank files from the community, new and old. If you have any vitalbank files you want shared, let me know, and I’ll include them!
This seemed so empty, so I decided to contribute. 
(I’m still learning. If there’s a problem with the patch that really stands out, I accept and really appreciate constructive feedback.)
EDIT: I like it best with Anger turned up to between 0.1-0.2, but YMMV 
spaceorgan_v2.vital (150.5 KB)
This has been pretty empty. Some of it is just the sound designers focusing on @SlavaCat’s sound design competition. Some of it is the post-Christmas winter slump.
Here’s a preset to from my upcoming preset pack. I still haven’t gotten around to level-matching everything, but health takes priority over presets.
Memory of Something.vital (171.7 KB)
I’ll make a vitalbank tomorrow, it’s past my bedtime.
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Thanks! I was meaning to ask about this, do you want me to include them all with the rest of the forum’s presets, or keep them in their own vitalbank? If I bundle them each month, I don’t mind getting them from the compo thread each month.
I’d just bundle them in with the rest.