Delete this topic, please

Delete this topic, please
Delete this topic, please

I was also getting this issue on windows with vst, for me simply re pressing the midi note that is stuck will untrigger, if that makes sense
If the particular midi note continues to get stuck, recreating the midi clip removed the issue

Thank you for the advice. Pressing the note that is problematic again or press “note off” from Reacontrol are the only thing I’ve found for now, lacking better options.

You’re speaking in the past (“I was also getting this issue”). You no longer use Vital or Win?

Nope still using both, although I do use phaseplant quite a bit, just haven’t had the issue come back for a few months now
I assume I’ve just gotten lucky!

You can go on this topic!

Sorry, there are no active moderators on this forum. Nobody can delete posts here.

I think as the topic author you may be able to delete actually :thinking:

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You’re actually right.

My trust level just got demoted so I can’t even move topics around categories or edit titles any more. It’s a wild west now.