Closing Vital Re-Organizes Presets

So when flipping thru presets i like to flip thru a certain pack/folder and maybe favorite them. I’ll usually click the tab “Author” and it sets it right. When i go to close vital and reopen I cant just flip thru the presets on the main page because all of the presets have been re-organized to the default alphabetical order. Now I have flip thru and find where i was to continue to browse. A cool feature would be if the tab order stayed where it was put. Gets a bit annoying having to recalibrate everytime.


Or at the very least, continue to stay on the same folder that you’ve clicked on from the folder window… Closing Vital becomes something you have to think twice about

I feel like i may have to start deleting alot of presets just to not have to deal with scrolling so much evertime

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Just deleted all other presets except for 1 pack until this is fixed…