There are random clicks and pops that come in and out no matter what the attack or release… Even with smooth LFOs and low CPU presets… Doesnt happen all the time…
Serum has a “Limit Polyphony To Any One Note Number” option to help this considerably… Does Vital an equivalent option?
On Serum theres a “Limit Polyphony to One Of Any Note Number” switch under the settings on the Global tab… That takes care of most clicks and pops on there…
I’m not sure that will make a difference but I noticed it’s set to use Fixed Size Buffers here and I don’t get any pops or clicks with those patches. It’s worth a try. If it doesn’t make a difference you can just switch it back.
I’m also experiencing clicks on a monophonic patch. Just updated to the latest 1.0.8 version.
It seems something weird happens when the previous note hasn’t been released and a new note is played. The transition between notes should happen smoothly, no?
Enabling legato gets rid of this click obviously, but introduces a new click when a new note is played and the previous note is still in the release phase.
I’d upload a patch to reproduce this, but the forum won’t let me add attachments…
I’ve also experienced clicks and pops on Vital during my experimentation in making custom presets. I forget exactly under what circumstances it happens though, but it has happened multiple times.