Can Vital play multiple voices of a single MIDI note at the same time?

If I have a pad patch (polyphonic, long attack and release) playing some chords and a midi note is repeated in sequential chords (e.g. A C E for two bars then C E G in the same octave for two bars, without the C and E notes tied together) will Vital play two C and two E voices for the period where their release and attack times overlap? If not, is there a setting to enable this? Serum has a “limit polyphony to one of any note number” option that when turned off enables this behavior, which is useful for creating smooth chord transitions where tying the notes together is not possible (e.g. from the end to the beginning of a looped MIDI clip).

Hey sorry I just woke up so I’m not sure i understand
But as long as you have polyphony turned on it’ll play overlapping notes up to the amount of voices indicated by the polyphony (so feel free to crank it up to 32 depending on your cpu performance)
I’d also recommend, if you’re reaching the polyphony limit, to experiment with the note priority / voice overide function such as round Robin and kill or steal.

Hope this helps! Or feel free to clarify if it’s not what you thought :slight_smile:

Thanks for the reply, Larry, and sorry for my delay in responding. What I’m looking for is not exactly polyphony. I think a list of events might help explain what I’m looking for. Assume here that polyphony is high enough to play all the voices without having to kill or steal one (e.g. at least 6)

  1. MIDI note-on events for A1, C2, E2 (let’s call these notes Group1; Vital starts playing these notes through their AD phase)
  2. MIDI note-off events for Group 1 (Vital starts playing these notes’ release) AND MIDI note-on events for C2, E2, G2 (let’s call these notes Group2; Vital starts plating these notes through their AD phase)

When “limit polyphony to one of any note number” is turned off in Serum, the C and E notes from Group 1 continue their release phase while the C and E notes from Group 2 play their AD phase. That is, these pitches each use two voices at the same time: one for the outgoing note and one for the newly-struck note. This produces very smooth transitions between chords even in situations where you can’t connect the two separate MIDI notes into one like you normally would, as in when you have a MIDI loop and some of the same notes are in the last and first chords.

Hey Isaac
I definitely understand what you are looking for,
I don’t see why Vital would not do this - allow the release to play while a new attack begins on the same note

Unless maybe it’s on “draft” mode to save cpu?

I’d actually have to do some testing to let you know what vital actually does ( if I remember lol) unless someone else on the forum can chime in with confirmation